Why is today craptastic?
1. I feel the sudden urge to hurt something. Family members mostly. Have I mentioned how much I can't stand the forced togetherness that I'm stuck with for at least 23 more days?
2. I had this album on my wish list for well over a year.

It's Eleni Mandell's Afternoon. It was recommended to me by the same person that got me into Grey Eye Glances. So needless to say, I was prepared to really really like it. I've given it one listen so far. I'm trying it again, because I hate to make rash judgments on albums. Someday I may regret tossing it aside, if I did. Hey, I like Costello's North now.

I think it came from really starting to love Diana Krall. But back to the Eleni Mandell. It strikes me as countrified jazz with a little rock tossed in for good measure. Does that make sense. She has a deep sultry voice that reminds me of Holly Cole, which should be a good thing, but it's too acoustic. And then there's the song Afternoon, which oddly reminds me of Elvis Costello. Weird. I think it's disappointing to me right now but it may change over time if I let myself listen to it a few more times.
3. Helpful advice. Please stop. It's coming from all directions. I feel like crap right now. Telling me that things will be better isn't going to make me stop feeling like crap. I know that "This too shall pass." I'm not concerned about 23 days from now when my life may return to normal. I'm concerned with right now when I'm feeling particularly miserable. I remember someone telling me to "feel better, girl" after I told them my kitty was dying a month ago. I wanted to slap their cute little head off their cute little shoulders. That's the kind of thing I just don't freaking want to hear right now.
4. I have the need to talk to someone or communicate with someone, but the fear of my evil mood rearing it's ugly head is ruining that. It's a Catch 22, really it is.
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