Reason number 2: The paychecks did not show up today. Which means I may get to cash my check tomorrow, assuming they show up in the mail tomorrow. I need my money! I have bills to pay! The first person that says something about direct deposit gets bitchslapped. In the land I like to call my workplace, there is no such thing as direct deposit. M'kay?
Reason number 3: Too much togetherness. If I had a spare hundred dollars (Laugh with me now, you know you want to) I would so be booking a hotel room, even if it meant being away from my computer for a whole weekend. Ah, being away from everyone would be pure bliss right now. I love my family, but the two extra people that will be with us until at least March, are making me CRAZY! (and cranky)
Reason number 4: This whole unrequited love thing. I was raised on the belief that girls do not ask boys out. From experience I know bad things happen when they do, or rather when I do. So right now I'm suffering terribly, because I don't know what to do about a certain "pickled herring," shy of forgetting he exists and turning on WSHH in the morning and suffering with the crap music they play all day.
Reason number 5: My car is taking on water faster then the Edmund Fitzgerald. Something is leaking inside. I don't know if it's the flipping (not the word I want to use) sun roof or the windshield or someplace else. Where ever it might be, when it rains, I find ponds of water in my car. Ponds big enough to raise carp, and keep ducks and Canadian geese well amused. If the money fairy would like to donate enough money for me to replace Bernie, I would do the happy dance of joy. My car is an embarrassment to all automobiles on the road.

Reason 6: I have not got my tax forms for my local taxes. Local taxes are the bane of my existence, and the business we have to pay them through is part of the reason. The best part of this...I think I've probably overpaid them. Grrrr. I hate hate hate local taxes.

Reason 7: There is no one to go to margarita night with. If I could get my wheelchair bound (for the time being) sister in my car, I'd take her, as she's my usual drinking companion, but Bernie is just not equipped for wheelchairs. Now if the person in reason 4 would just cave in and go out for drinks with me I wouldn't have a problem, but that would bring me joy and I can't have any of that.

Reason 8: My angsty crush has caused me to make a mix CD. This is the results:
Belinda Carlisle - I Feel The Magic
Charlotte Martin - Your Armour
Erasure - How Can I Say?
David Bowie - Absolute Beginners
Duran Duran - Out Of My Mind
Gordon Lightfoot - I'll Prove My Love
Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight
The Monkees - Love To Love
Jamie Cullum - I Get A Kick Out Of You
The Bangles - Be With You
Cliff Richard - I Could Easily Fall In Love With You
George Harrison - Don't Let Me Wait Too Long
The Grass Roots - Wait A Million Years
The Spinners - Cupid
Elvis Costello - Everyday I Write The Book
Evanescence - My Immortal
Bernie Barlow - I Choose You
Human League - Don't You Want Me
Madonna - Dress You Up (12' Formal Mix)
Midge Ure - Hands Around My Heart
Yeah, I've got it really bad. Please just hit me and get it out of my system. It's so much nicer to crush on someone like Justin Hayward that is far away and married etc.

On a slightly friendlier note, I can and will upload any songs from my mix if you ask nicely.
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