Well I've gone over a week without bugging my favorite DJ. The Friday Free For All is over and I didn't call in a request even though my fingers were itching to call.
It's probably a good thing, cos at 32 I shouldn't be crushing on a DJ and I've already made myself look like an idiot several times.
I can't believe I've lasted this long without making myself look foolish.
Can I get a yipee skippy for that?
I deserve one.
Oh and I went to the dermatologist yesterday and found out I likely have shingles or the makings of the shingles turned into an impedigo (sp). So I'm on antibiotics and I have an ointment to put on the two nasty things on my nose. ARGH!
At least I can wear my glasses a bit today.
I still have so much I need to get out and about to do, but I don't want to leave the house looking like I was a victim of domestic violence etc. ARGH!
My normal ugliness is fine for the world to gaze upon, but this is not.
It's a good thing that I won't be running into Fish from 99.3 The Pickle anytime soon.
One more random thing, speaking of WPKL and Fish, someone came here looking for him yesterday. I think they were looking for him, or it was him doing a search for himself on Google. I figure it was someone that's emailed him or knows his name because the search had his last name in it and one of them had Pittsburgh oldies radio in the search, so I knew it had to be a search for my cutie pie.
I wonder what weirdness I'll encounter today....and I wonder how I managed to not email him about the weird google searches.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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