Don't respond to an email when I've sent you one that requires a response or should require a response because you are a friend that gives a flying rats ass about my fragile emotional state.
What is so hard about this?
In the one instance...I throw my hands up. I don't know if I said something that freaked said DJ dude out. Well geeze..I offered to copy 2 George Harrison bootlegs for you. I wasn't asking for personal info. I would have gladly sent them to him care of the station. The address being on a piece of stationary that I have in my house. Lordy! I've offered total strangers the same thing. I would do this for anyone that asked nicely.

The other person I understand even less, because it's a freind. I can only think that my emails might have ended up in a spam folder or something. I don't know. It seems to happen when I use my webmail rather than Outlook, which is how I have to access my email when I'm at work. But by now this person should know that I'm not feeling quite the thing and would appreciate a nice email of encouragement or something.
For now...this song is my theme..
The Spinners - Cupid (I've Loved You For A Long Time)
Cupid - Cupid
Draw back your bow
And let
Your arrow go.
Straight to
My lover's heart for me
Nobody but me.
Please hear my cry
And let
Your arrow fly
Straight to
My lover's heart for me.
Now I don't mean to bother you but I'm in distress.
There's danger of me losing all of my happiness
For I love a girl who doesn't know I exist
And this you can fix.
So cupid
Draw back your bow
Now cupid if your arrow makes her love strong for me
I promise I will love her until eternity.
I know between the two of us her heart we can steal
Help me if you will.
So cupid
Draw back your bow
Don't you hear me callin'
My tears keep fallin'
I gotta have a lot of nana.
Cupid - Cupid
Look I've loved you for a long time
Now it's time to make you my baby.
I've loved you for a long time
Now it's time to make you my baby.
I look at you -
You turn away.
I say to you
Please look my way
But you say to me
Leave it alone
And I say
I can't live without you.
I've loved you for a long time
Now it's time to make you my baby.
I've loved you for a long time
Now it's time to make you my baby.
Girl didn't you know that
My love's is for you
And it hurts me so bad
I'm telling you
Come on look at you want.
Try it again
Can't you see I can't live without you.
I've loved you for a long time
Now it's time to make you my baby
Make you my baby.
Draw back your bow
And let
You arrow go
Straight to
My lover's heart for me.
Hear me callin'
Hear the love's getting stronger
All I got to do is callin' louder.
Cupid - Cupid
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