~ Someone get me the hell out of this place!!! I need out! I need to be anywhere but here! I don't care where I am. I just don't want to be in my house anymore. What little sanity I have is at stake here. Someone SAVE ME!
~ I've decided to let the hair from hell grow out again. I wish I could find a style I was comfortable with. I have the desire for a more feminine look, but I know that's never going to happen, because me with even an inverted bob just doesn't work, but who knows.
~ I'm still feeling so...blech...about everything. It doesn't help matters that all my best friends are spread across the country now. Jenn's in WA and Mary's on her way to Montana and I really just need to hear a voice so I could vent. It's funny, I had a shoulder for everyone, but when I need one there's never one around.
~ Tomorrow I'm heading off to Target to pay some extra on that bill. I have every intention of having it paid off by April. Fingers crossed that this will happen.
~ The song of the moment: Midge Ure - Answers To Nothing. I'm not sure why, but it's always been a favorite of mine and this week it's a song I really needed to hear. See I don't just listen to the really old oldies. Lordy...80's music is old.
~ I have my I ♥ Bloo t-shirt! It came on Thursday. When I feel disposed to having a horrid picture of myself taken, I'll post a picture of me in it, which will again be better then the one used on the Hot Topic website.
~ Tomorrow is DJ Appreciation Day and yes, I have something to show my appreciation of a certain morning show guy. Fingers crossed that he will get a giggle out of it.
Musical Sunday
20 hours ago
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