Firstly, Mr. Fishy gets a huge sloppy wet kiss from me for imparting some info on an upcoming concert to Uniontown. I hope there isn't a Mrs. Fishy or a Ms. Fishy that will come kick my butt for that.
Jill needs to mark Oct 6 on the calender, because she needs to come and help me terrorize people in Uniontown.
Today's Fish Fodder is about coffee. Mr. Fishy was imparting a rather amusing story about a man that runs and cafe in Somewhere Other Than Here, USA that is making pastries that contain either coffee or caffeine. Mr. Fishy can correct me on which one is right if he's so disposed, or if you want to know more, email him and tell him Andrea sent you and you want to hear the coffee story. (He'll know of whom you speak, especially if you say you read about it on my blog)
Well it seems Mr. Fishy consumes 2 Pots of coffee a day. Well, woot! Now I know approximately how much coffee it takes to make a Fish perky at 6 a.m. when that Fish has to be awake at the ungodly...nay...the unhuman hour of 3 in the morning.
Well cross one more thing off the 101 Things To Do With Fish list!
Now if this girl would consume that much coffee in one day. I would be bouncing off walls and I'd probably be admited to the hospital for some atrial attack. I need soda. It's less dangerous unless it's all I consume on a day at Cedar Point, but that's another story altogether.
I could just imagine what would happen if those caffeine injected donuts were consumed too. Sugar rush meet caffeine rush. I'd be bouncing off walls, talking faster than the speed of light and my heart would probably explode at some point. I bet a certain Fishy would be swimming really fast in his bowl too.
Now who wants a nice normal caffeine buzz?
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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