And I don't mean the Fish that swim in the sea either. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Mr. Fishy has a good sense of humor.
1. Beg him to play more David Bowie. Offer suggestions if necessary.
2. Make him kareoke Lady Willpower at Primantis in the Century 3 area.
3. Burn a copy of Justin Hayward's Songwriter CD, beg him to play Raised On Love or Lay It On Me.
4. Convince him that Cruel To Be Kind by Nick Lowe is definitely Good Time Rock N' Roll.
5. Make him stop playing the commerical about The Pickle website. It's terrifyingly bad and should go away. How many times can you say, Fish? Huh? Huh?
6. Find that Barry Manilow disc at the station and make him burn it!
7. Sing Mandy acapella at him, so he's not tempted to replace the burned copy.
8. Find out how many polo shirts with the Pickle logo he has. (Hide the yellow one in the back of his closet along with any other bad colors there might be)
9. Find out what his cat's name is, since he's never mentioned it on the air. (To this girl's knowledge)
10. Buy him a Christmas tree, so the cat can climb it next year, as is the way of the world. Buy ornaments at the dollar store so that when the tree comes crashing down...loads of money aren't lost.
11. Tickle him to find out if that really silly giggle is his normal laugh.
12. Ask him how it feels to be a "Pickled Herring." Be prepared to duck, in case he throws a punch.
13. Invite him to view "The CD Collection" (Note the link is only a partial list because typing in every disc is pretty damn annoying.)
14. Ask him what his favorite bands are.
15. Take him walking in the South Side or Oakland to determine if he really is out of shape and in need of a personal trainer.
16. Dress him up in a tux, since there were no pictures at the photo wall of the Do Wop show. Have camera handy. Post pictures on the internet for the world to see.
17. Find out if he can type more than 10 words at a time.
18. Play Sex Bomb by Tom Jones until it's stuck in his head. Muhahahaha!
19. Drag him to Wheeling to find out if he's a better luck charm than that little turtle figure my grandmother gave me.
20. Find out if "Fish" tastes good in chocolate fountain. Hmmm milk chocolate or white chocolate?

21. Take over the morning show. He can still be the DJ, but someone else will be picking the songs. Mmmm, guess we'll be defining "good time rock n' roll" a bit differently.
22. Lock him in a room with Ohio Express' Yummy Yummy Yummy playing over and over. Make him promise never to play that song again. (Assuming he survives the experience)
23. Burn him a copy of The Moody Blues' December so that he can play Don't Need A Reindeer next year. Assure him that it's a reindeer song that the world needs to hear.
24. Ask him who really likes Hot Rod Lincoln anyway?
25. Toss him in the Youghiogheny and see if the "Fish" can swim. (But not until it's a little bit warmer...we don't want any frozen fishies.)
26. Snuggle up to him, since he says he likes to snuggle. (Snuggling is good)
27. Play Peter Mayer's The Introvert Song and find out if he finds it amusing.
28. Watch Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends with him.
29. Get him to sing the theme for The Banana Splits.
30. Play with his hair.
31. Take him to Bucca's and feed him tiramisu, see if it gets him drunk. (Are you sensing a pattern here)
32. Take him ice skating at the rink at PPG. See who falls on their butt first, you or him.
33. Go sweater shopping with him to Macy's. See if you can find something spiffy, like that sweater in that glamour shot promo picture.
34. Compile a list of bad Beatles covers, compare notes.
35. Make him climb the Absecon Lighthouse and Lucy the Elephant with you. If he makes it to the top of both...reward him with a trip to Brulee @ The Tropicana.
36. Take him to Rocky Horror @ The Imax in Atlantic City. (Make him dress up)
37. Watch High Fidelity together.
38. Make the perfect mix CD.
39. Make him play with my teddy bear that plays Elvis Presley's Burnin' Love when you squeeze its hand.
40. Have a Beatles movie marathon.
41. When you've finished with those...go to best buy and pick up the Monkees TV Show DVDs.
42. Introduce his cat to Oogie and Company.
43. See if he can Find Nemo
44. Ask him if he's ever dated a loyal listener. If the answer is no. Volunteer. Volunteer, even if he already has.
45. Send him a bill for all the times he's played stuff like Hot Rod Lincoln, Mandy, Yummy Yummy Yummy and Itchy Coo Park and in the description write For Pain and Suffering.
46. Issue him credit against the bill for any Moody Blues, Gary Puckett, Gordon Lightfoot or Monkees song he might play. Extra credit goes out for songs that aren't usually played.
47. Send him subliminal messages via song requests.
48. The next time he plays Rod Stewart's Do Ya Think I'm Sexy and asks the musical question, call in and say simply, "Yes."
49. Watch bad David Bowie movies with him, starting with Labyrinth ending with The Linguini Incident.
50. Get him to finish alphabetizing "the CD Collection" for you. If he finishes early, he can finish typing up the information on CD Tracker!
51. Take him to the Tiki Lounge.
52. Ride the Scrambler with him at any given amusement park, make sure he gets the proper seat (the seat that gets him squished)
53. While you're there take him on the water rides...after all...a Fish shouldn't mind getting a bit wet.
54. Apologize for calling him "sweetheart" when calling in for the Friday Free For All. Give him puppy dog eyes and hope he accepts.
55. See who really knows more about The Beatles, you or him.
56. Make him sit through Grease one time. Assure him that it's torturous for both of you. But everyone should sit through it once
57. Thank him for the extra Moody Blues song he played with the Friday Free For All Request.
58. Give him a big ole' hug
59. Request The Spinner's Cupid...until he gets the hint.
60. Curl up with some popcorn and The Monkees movie Head. The person that stays up through the whole thing wins.
61. Introduce him to some interesting non-oldies bands.
62. Drive to Boardman, OH & take him to IHOP.
63. Roadtrip with him to see some of the area's Roadside Attractions.
64. Find out if the Target and Macy's commericals using horridly redone Beatles songs make him as nauseous as they do you.
65. Get him to dress in drag. (I can't help it...I used this one in the other 101 Things that I did for Justin Hayward, John Lodge..and Elvis Costello, plus the visual I'm getting is making me smile.)
66. Ask him how early he has to get up to arrive at work at the ungodly hour of 4 a.m.
67. Ask him how much coffee it takes to be awake and functioning at that ungodly hour. Methinks he probably keeps Starbucks in business.
68. Find out what the rarest item is in his music collection.
69. I will not leave a suggestion here on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
70. Find out what was the best concert he's been too. (Not necessarily work related)
71. Get him to be your protection when trying to photograph the fountain in Perry Square in Erie. (Trust me it's necessary)
72. Take him to the Linesville Spillway so he can commune with some other "Fish"
73. Go to the Beehive for Bubble Tea.
74. See if he can explain the battle of 99.3 The Pickle and 99.3 The Laurel Highlands Rock Station that only occurs on my bedroom clockradio. Seriously, I never want to wake up to The Black Crows again. The Black Crows scare The Mistress Of The Dark
75. Go CD shopping.
76. Find out if he has an mp3 player...Find out what's on it.
77. Get him to read you bedtime stories.
78. Ask him who his favorite "Pickle Person" has been.
79. Find out why Davy Jones hasn't been a "Pickle Person"
80. Have a picnic at Ohiopyle.
81. Take him to see the windfarm in Mill Run to see if he's amused by windmills as well.
82. Take him for pizza at Bud Murphy's in Connellsville.
83. Get him to pose for pictures so I can have more than the 3 pictures that I have on my hard drive. (After all he is a permenant fixture on the Hump Day Hunks post)
84. Get him to fill the Pink Zen Of Doom.
85. Snowball fight!

86. Convince him to start a blog. Offer to help set it up.
87. Ask him to define shelpping or is it shelping. What the heck is shelp?!?
88. Ask him if he remembers where this picture was taken

89. Feed him Fondue. (I've noticed...I've been feeding the Fish a lot on this list!)
90. Watch Beatle Cartoons
91. Explain to him, he's not a nerd, he's a geek.
Elvis Costello is a geek

Being a geek is good. After all, Elvis is married to Diana Krall, and a lot of women would give their eye teeth to look like her.
This is a nerd

Quite a difference, right? RIGHT!
92. Find out what the most requested song is at his station.
93. Bake him cookies. (Hmmm this might not be such a good idea unless the chef is supervised)
94. Get a picture of him in the Elvis sunglasses.
95. Cast out a line...see if you can catch a "Fish"
96. Remind him that Manfred Mann did more than 3 songs. (Which seem to be Do Wah Diddy, Mighty Quinn and Blinded By The Light) Point out other amusing Manfred Mann songs (Ha Ha Said The Clown, Come Tomorrow and Fox On The Run)
97. Thank him for keeping you sane at work for the first two hours.
98. Convince him to take you up on that offer to take him out for drinks. Find out how many it takes to get him drunk.
99. DJ appreciation day wouldn't be complete with a big ole' kiss.
100. Make him promise not to beat you with a stick after he finishes reading all 101 of these.
101. Repeat the last 100 as necessary.
Happy DJ Appreciation Day Fish!

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