~ I have to go back to the dermatologist on Tuesday morning before work. BAH! Would someone please tell my face to please heal faster? At least the good doctor isn't charging me for the follow-ups. I just wish this nastiness would go away.
~ I took down the Christmas tree that's in my computer room today. I'm depressed. Have I mentioned that this was like the Christmas that never was.
~ I've done some serious cleaning in my two bedrooms today. If I keep at it, I may have succeeded in removing some serious clutter. I must really stop being such a pack-rat. Either that or I need to find a bigger house. (And since that's not happening, I better get to pitching out junk)
~ I listened to a Diana Krall bootleg tonight that I found while pitching stuff. She's remarkable live and let me tell you I'm still kicking myself for not getting tickets to her concert in Pittsbugh the last time she toured.
~ In between all of this I've managed to write a few pages in my current project. Yay me! Yay for multitasking.
~ This has been a lonely day in internetland. It seems like all my internet friends have lives and there's been very few updates to read or emails for that matter. I feel so very unloved right now.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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