Today's meme from Music Memoirs
What was the last album you purchased?
I've bought a lot of CDs lately. I think Bic Runga's Beautiful Collision is the most recent to show up on the doorstep. I am thinking of buying Tommy James' Hold The Fire, because I have another song from that CD stuck in my head. (glares @ a certain DJ)
When was the last time you listened to a cassette?
Not very long ago. I found an old mix tape that I made from the days when my car had a cassette player and not a CD player. I popped it in my stereo just to see if the thing worked. The last time I tried to play a cassette the blasted thing ate it!
When was the last time you listened to a vinyl album? (Do you know what a vinyl album is?)
It's been awhile, because as much as I love vinyl, its inconvient to listen to. Does it count that I've been drooling on my sister's copy of Gordon Lightfoot's Sundown on vinyl. Gordon was looking mighty fine on that cover.
When was the last time you watched a video (either Mtv, Vh-1 or on a DVD or VHS)?
I don't watch Mtv ever or Vh-1. I used to watch Vh-1 Classic, but even that lost it's appeal for me. I did find myself popping a VHS of Michael Crawford's in last night. I hadn't seen With My Hand Upon My Heart in years. That song is a very lovely duet with Patti LaBelle.
What was the last online music purchase you made?
I bought my nephew his b-day present and myself a present on Saturday. The nephew is getting the new Weird Al disc and I'm getting a Charlotte Martin EP.
What was the last concert you attended?
Herman's Hermits w/ The Turtles and Sonny Geraci of The Outsiders, back in Oct. There was a real adorable guy from a radio station MC-ing that show too. That's when this hopeless crush of mine developed. It didn't help matters that that cutie smelled really good too. Who said cologne doesn't make women fall at men's feet?
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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