It's so darn cute and I really do ♥ Bloo!
I just wish mail order wasn't so darn expensive. There is no way it costs $5.75 to ship a T-shirt! Unless it was coming from a far off land.
I'm glad I had a gift card from my friend Jennifer so that $10 of the cost of the shirt and shipping was deflected. I don't usually spend $25 on a t-shirt. $15 is much better. However it was all too much because all in all I spent close to $100 on clothes today.
Damn that was half of what my Zen Vision would cost. I'll just try not to think about that, and concentrate on how snazzy I'm going to look in my Bloo shirt and my other, slightly less juevenile articles of clothing. I'll also look better in the t-shirt than the Hot Topic model.
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