Looking outside this morning makes me happy. There's no snow yet! Woot! I hate when I need to be somewhere early and it's snowing. Not because of the snow, but because of the idiots that forget how to drive when the flakes are falling.
A dusting or even next to nothing makes people think that a blizzard is on the way, and frankly I don't think Southwestern PA has seen an actual blizzard since I was in my first year of college and that was in the early 90's. I believe we had a record snowfall that March too.
I seriously hope this is one of the last early morning appointments I have. I'm fine with being up at the ass crack of dawn, but I'm really lousy at functioning at such and hour. I don't know how people that have to be at work at 4 a.m. survive and actually sound perky and cute by 6 a.m. It has to be coffee, and I can't drink coffee. If I drank coffee....well, bad things would happen.
And we don't want that do we?
Now if I can get to the doctor and to work on time, life will be kinda good.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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