Almost everyday my favorite DJ from The Pickle sputters something out that gives me a weird mental image or makes me cock my head to the side like a confused puppy dog. I've decided that I'm going to share some odd "Fish" stories on a regular basis.
Take today for instance. Mr. Fishy man was grumble/whining (I can never really tell which he's doing) about cleaning off the roof of his Jeep at 3:15 in the morning.
Firstly, I'm hoping he's got something respectable like the Grand Cherokee and not the traditional Jeep. But I'm not going to critique his choice of vehicle. Who am I to judge, I drive Bernie the Pondmobile.
Secondly, I hope he's paid a reasonable salary, because only money could motivate me to be awake and cleaning my car hours before the asscrack of dawn so that I could get to work on time.
Of course after all of this...I can see Mr. Fish pushing the ole brush and scraper when it's barely above zero, slowly turning into a Fish-icle, while the rest of the world is still sleeping. He could probably freeze to the vehicle and be stuck there for several hours before anyone found his frozen "fishy" self. (I'd better stop here before I get the image of a fish stick in my head..cos Mr. Fish isn't very tall)
Thank god he wasn't giving me the image of speedos again. I've never quite decided how I'm supposed to feel about that mental image. (scared or pleasantly amused)
Musical Sunday
20 hours ago
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