Dear Mr. Fishy.
We've established that you are the "The Man," but do you have to torment me so? Take for instance, the choice of songs in today's Number one Monday.
I was driving from work to Bentleyville on an errand when one of the number one's came on. It was Barry Manilow. I repeat it was Barry Manilow. On top of it all, it was that song of all songs. The song that gets stuck in my head every time I hear it, since I first heard it when I worked retail at THE MALL FROM HELL.
You know the song, Fishy.
It's Mandy!
I have Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits because of this damn song. And up until today I thought I had that evil song vanquished from my mind, but no! You had to go and play it. Now it's stuck in my head again!
Because of this the world knows my shame! I own a Barry Manilow CD. Actually I own 2, but I try to forget about that box set.
I've now reached my quota of Barry Manilow for the rest of the decade. Please, no more. And while your at it, could you please make the song leave my head!!
Lovingly yours,
The Mistress Of The Dark
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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