Thirteen things I'd rather be doing right now. (Rather than sitting around in pain because of a stupid teenage skin problem) Oh and The Mistress of the Dark is 32 and way too old for my skin's shenanigans.
1. Shopping: I had a trip to Walmart planned and I need to go to Payless and Fashion Bug, but looking like I was in a tustle with a linebacker makes it come off the agenda.
2. Reading: Even this is a pain, because my glasses make things much worse, and I'm all but blind without them.
3. Making the January Mix CD for my Mix A Month project: Staring at the computer is not fun when I can't read what I'm typing or looking at.
4. Writing: I have a new writing project, but again this not being able to wear my glasses thing really limits what I can do.
4. Playing the House Party game over at Cartoon Networks site for Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.
5. Wearing my glasses instead of walking blind. ARGH!
6. Sleeping: Cos closing my eyes hurts too.
7. Cleaning: Did I really type that? But there are things I was prepared to dejunk, but I'm not stirring up any more dust in case it irritates the already irritated.
8. Paying bills with the 50 - 70 bucks I'm going to have to blow at the doctors tomorrow.
9. Taking pictures of the moon.
10. Filling my workout mp3 player with new tunes.
11. Reading my daily list of blogs and my friends list at livejournal. If you don't get a comment from me over the next day or two, it's because I've been temporarily blinded.
12. Rescuing a kitten that needs my love. I know I have 3 cats but I'm missing Misty and Buddah terribly.
13. Fish

Hey everything I listed didn't have to have cranky reasoning, right?
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