Thirteen things you might hear me say on any given day.
1. Oye vey! : My command of yiddish pretty much consists of this and a few other terms. It could be because I'm a good (ha ha) catholic girl. (more like a bad one)
2. Stop shoving food down your gaping piehole: usually this is screamed at weight loss commericials that promise insanely impossible results.
3. Fuqua: (pronounce foo-kwa)My fancy way of saying that f-word. Mind you when I'm behind the wheel, I prefer to use the real thing.
4. Fubarred: Defined as f-ed up beyond all repair.
5. I like cereal: Usually said to tick off the 15 year old nephew. It's said by the character Cheese on Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.
6. So long and thanks for the fish. (Don't ask. You don't want to know)
7. Go to hell in a handbasket wrapped in a butane blanket. (I like to make sure my point is made)
8. I don't f-ing hardly think so: Stolen from the always funny Greg Proops.
9. Allow me to move my ever expanding backside: It's one of those girl things.
10. It's been yonks: Just another way of saying it's been forever.
11. Whatever
12. Deal with it.
13. Yippe Skippy: Usually said in the most sarcastic manner
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