Most people that have known me for a long time know that my musical passions extend pretty far. Most decades have a few artists that I really love. (OK, that obsess over) The 60's and the 80's seem to have the most.
A few months back I mentioned that I felt my love for Elvis Costello waning. Oddly this past week has seen that changing. Twice I fell asleep to a lovely mix CD that someone sent me years ago. The tracks are here.
I think I chose that mix because I couldn't find this one, which is one of my favorite mixes for nights when I just can't get to sleep.
I think the only band/artist that I made more single artist mixes of was Oingo Boingo. I could never find the perfect mesh of tracks to make me happy. I have so many unreleased Boingo tracks that it's ridiculous and most of them are really good. Just like Elvis Costello.
Only when I was at the height of my Oingo Boingo obsession I did a series of mixes that broke down the bands music into themes. It took me months to compile, make artwork and burn these discs. I'm glad I learned my lesson after that and chose not to do that for Elvis Costello.
I wonder if anyone remembers the infamous Oingo mix series.
They were
Danny Elfman's Rants aka: Music For An Elfmanic Rant
Romantic Boingo aka: Music For A Candlelit Cemetary
Prophetic Elfman aka: Music from the Prophet Elfman
And my personal favorite: Perverted Boingo aka: Music For A Darkened Alley.
I guess that just shows you that I have a real pervy streak!
There were two other mixes, but I don't have them posted on Art Of The Mix for some strange reason. Those two were: Music For A Macabre Mortuary (songs about death) and Music For A Midnight Mood Swing (pretty self explanatory)
Last night I fell asleep to Candlelit Cemetary, which was the first time I've listened to Oingo in a large dosage in ages. I imagine that's why I had some pretty strange dreams last night. The Elvis Costello mixes are a bit more sedate.
It's nice to have the love flowing freely again for these two artists that I love dearly.
Musical Sunday
20 hours ago
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