And because I'm such a girlie girl there are some things that are very dangerous to my well being and financial situation.
1. Sales at Macy's or Dots or any other clothing store that I might just want to shop at. Macy's however is a real issue for me, as they have the best clothes in petites. Finding things that don't look like something your grandma would wear when you are 5'3 is pretty darn difficult. And this girlie girl likes to look cute.
2. Cosmetic catalogs. It's winter. Apparently all the cosmetic companies thrive on women with dry skin in need of new skin care at this time of year, which means I've been getting catalogs out the wazoo, even though my skin is so oily it could be used to power automobiles at some point. Catalogs with samples are even worse, because inevitably the most expensive thing will actually work.
3. Bath and Body Works. The whole store is a detriment to my financial well being. I dare not walk in. Everything smells so good. I said at Christmas if anyone wanted to get me a gift that would make me happy they need only go as far as that store. i don't think I've smelled anything there that wasn't heavenly. I'm partial to anything smelling of raspberry or vanilla.
4. Movies with Hugh Grant. I swear that none of them are good, except maybe for 2 of them. (About A Boy and Love Actually) But if he's in a flick, I will be there just for eye candy purposes.
5. Movies with Johnny Depp. The plus with Johnny is that none of his movies are bad. Yay!
6. Pink Zen Visions!! My Zen Micro is pink and as soon as the money fairy visits my Zen Vision will be pink and it will have pink rhinestone earbuds too. And all this will be somewhere along the lines of $260. ARGH! Unless the Vision goes on sale again soon.
7. Shoe Stores: The Shoe Dept at Washington Crown Center can break me everytime. Cheap cute shoes!!! ARGH!
I could go on and on, but I think this is enough. Someone save me from myself.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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