Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Long Way Down

I just finished this novel yesterday. First let me say I read whatever Nick Hornby books I can get my hands on. Oddly High Fidelity is the only one I haven't read. But back to A Long Way Down.

On the top of a tower block are 4 people, all prepared to jump, but somehow because the were all there at the same time, they don't do it and their lives become entangled, for the better.

Martin is the former breakfast show host on the slide because he got caught shagging a 15 year old.

Maureen is the fiftysomething catholic mother of a vegetable son.

JJ is a musician whose band broke up and his girlfriend dumped him.

Jess is the 18 year old girl, who kinda does the whole poor little rich girl gone wrong thing.

In the space of 320 pages you come to love all three of them for all their quirks and for the fact that in sharing their troubles they come to care just a little bit for each other and help each other away from the desire to take to the roof of Topper's House.

I always find something personal about Hornby's writing. In this book he describes "music rage" In the book Hornby describe's it as like road rage only more righteous. With road rage a part of you knows you're being a jerk, but when you get music rage, you're carrying out the will of God and God wants those people dead.

God bless Nick Hornby for writing those words, because when I get into a musical argument I get music rage and I get it bad. Just ask anyone who has ever argued music with me.

If you've read any of his other books, you'll enjoy this one. If you haven't read any of his books, try this one. It's good. Hornby's writing is easy to digest and entertaining. It's the perfect companion on a wet dreary winter day.