It's so cold. Very Very Cold. My Fish-icle reported that it is -3 outside with a windchill of -20. Oh hell. Why don't real people have 2 hour delays? Why? Why? Why?
I refuse to take off my sleep sockies right now. They are the only thing keeping me even a little warm right now.
Where is this early spring that the damn groundhog predicted? Seriously, I'm going to go all nutso on the groundhog. I demand my spring and I demand it now. I demand unseasonably warm. I demand to feel the effects of global warming right f-ing now!
And again why can't I have a 2 hour delay? Hell in this cold I want an 8 hour repreive!
It's too cold to step outside the door. To be perfectly honest at -3 it's too damn cold to be anywhere but under the covers with a dog at my feet and a cat sleeping on my back.
Now if someone could convince my boss that a frozen secretary is not a good thing I'd be a very happy camper, however that's not going to happen so I'm going to have to somehow thaw myself out so I can refreeze myself and go to work. Blech!
Musical Sunday
22 hours ago
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