Thirteen things that are making me a bit crazy right now.
1. The weather! That damn rodent that predicted an early spring better confer with a higher power, because so far there's no sign of good weather for another damn week. ARGH!
2. My Saturday plans have gone awry. I'm going to whine now. I don't want to stay in my house all weekend. Someone have pity on me!
3. Ok...I don't know why it crept in my winamp playlist but Ohio Express' Yummy cubed reared it's ugly head to torment me. I listened to it a bit more closely this time however...cos this song is such a freaking train wreck that you kinda have to do that, just because you can't believe any person could write this kinda monstrosity.
So I googled lyrics...and well
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I got love in my tummy
And I feel like a-lovin you
Love, you're such a sweet thing
Good enough to eat thing
And it's just a-what I'm gonna do
Well...erm..eh...I guess the song is kinda about what I thought it was about. Yeah. Oye! I will never listen to it in quite the same way. However my ears will still bleed when I hear it.
And I wonder what kind of drugs whoever wrote that song was on at the time. Must've been some good stuff. Yikes!
3. My mother is starting to get the list together for my grandmother's birthday party on March 10. After all, you can't let an occasion like a 100th b-day go by. However the family that's coming for the party happens to be posh. That means I have to be on my best behavior. That's no fun at all.
4. Waiting for my refund check. ARGH! I lost 2 days of work this week because of the snow. (No pay for those) I need that check NOW!
5. Discovering I have no clean jeans to wear to work. I'm such a tard, and I should have done 2 loads of laundry the other day. Have I mentioned I hate doing laundry?
6. Trying to learn something only to have the person teaching you take over. I'm still trying to get my cooking skills perfected. I'm getting there. No one's been sent to the hospital after my dinners, but I'm damn sick of mom trying to take over half way.
7. The whole family living under one roof. 6 more days damn it! I can not wait. Then life will return to almost normal, which is about as good as it can get. (Someone save me, I don't think I can last that long)
8. Those damn Target commericals that are making a mockery of The Beatles Hello, Goodbye. Hello Good Buy. That's not funny. It is damn annoying.
9. Losing my online mom's phone number. ARGH! I had something I wanted to tell her and I went through all my IM archives and couldn't find it anywhere. With my luck, the fucktard will be in all day and I won't get to talk to her until 4 o'clock.
10. My computer chair deciding that now is a good time to fall apart. Yay one more trip to Walmart. Just what I needed.
11. Cleaning only to have what was cleaned wrecked by the extra people in the house. I would just like to add, that someone else better be cleaning the damn bathroom next week.
12. Insomnia. Where has this come from? I haven't been able to sleep until midnight for the last 3 nights and I've been wide awake at the most insane hours.
13. Here's something that's making me crazy that will make PH giggle.
There are 4 radios in our second floor...all set to 99.3, my mum's clock radio, my clock radio, the radio in my CD player and the one on my stereo. I wake up to Pickle at 5:30 (the asscrack of dawn). At least I used to wake up to Pickle. It seems my clock radio is possessed. When my alarm goes off...I get a few moments of Pickle and then it fades...and turns into 99.3 The Laurel Highlands Rock Station.
In Altoona!
Rock smashes pickle. That's just a little fyi.
It's even worse when the alarm goes off and it's already decided to be The Laurel Highlands Rock Station.
I don't ever want to wake up to Axl Rose or The Black Crowes. I can stand waking up to Def Leppard...but not those. And this only happens on my clock radio. The 3 other radios all play The Pickle.
~shakes head~
Go ahead laugh, but it makes me suffer.
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