I know most people consider this to be one of Plant's worst discs. It's very 80's. But I defy you to find many artists that didn't sound 80's in the 80's. The Moody Blues sure as hell did on most of their albums. Blue World sounded very New Wave to me. In fact, I thought it sounded kinda Duran Duran-ish. I won't even mention the fact that Mr. Hayward seemed to be wearing an outfit similar to one worn my Mr. Simon Le Bon in the video. So if Robert went 80's on us on Now and Zen, so be it. The album produced some great singles.
If it weren't for Heaven Knows, I probably never would have paid any attention to Robert Plant, and then there was the very catchy Tall Cool One, which is still one of my favorite (forgotten) songs. After all how can a pervy girl like me not like the lyric "With one hand loose I am to satisfy"? The most beautiful song on the album is by far Ship Of Fools. It's just a really gorgeous tune that shouldn't be missed. Plant covered all bases on this album, there are rockers, ballad and stange songs. What more could you ask for really? And if the tone of the 80's rubbed off on him, so be it. It's still a solid album in my eyes and well worth the listen. I hope the LaLa-er getting it enjoys it.
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