It's a king sized sulk.
I ended up staying home all weekend....tripping over too many people on Saturday and then sitting around expecting to see the people I wanted to see who didn't bother to call and say they were going home early or not coming. So I didn't see my little cousins. Pah!
Anyone want to wager that I don't ever see Music & Lyrics? I swear I'm going on a Saturday now. I'm not trying for any more Sundays. Nope. Sundays are just bad all the way around.
I'm also sulking because not a single friend picked up the damn phone to let me bitch at them. It's funny. I used to lend my shoulder to so many friends when they needed it, but when I need a friend....none of them are around for me.
Plus the scale is tipping toward 133 again. Grrrr. Of course, with all the sitting around and being bored this weekend (Because you can't clean when there are 10 people in your house) food was the only thing that was amusing me.
I swear...I'm just going to stop eating. (Yeah right) Actually if the weather would turn, I managed to walk across town yesterday and I came home and did 50 minutes on the cross country ski machine, so thats good. I just wish the weather was better for walking because I miss the walking path in Monessen. I knew how far I walked and its such a pretty spot.
I think I'm going to continue my sulk for a few more hours though...
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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