A little randomosity for you.
~ It's good to see humor in things, it really is. I'm making a mix CD for my Chicago Mom...and she demanded that I put The Damned's The Turkey Song on the mix. I haven't been through this band's mp3 folder in awhile....so when I opened it...I found a long since forgotten song. And the title of that song....
Are you sure you want to know?
I thought you did.
Oh lordy I forgot that one. It's such a stinkbomb of a song too, compared to some of their other stuff...but for obvious reasons I listened and fell out of my chair laughing.
I hope PH hasn't heard that one.
~ Only a burgh boy could come up with the line "You give good leg" and then put it in a song that is now stuck in the big jukebox in my head. C'mon in Mr. Iris...There's room. Sure, bring luggage.
Now it has me wondering, "Do I give good leg in my little black dress?"
~ Everything is breaking right now. My cell phone is on its last legs and my new every two won't kick in until April 18. Fuck! My phone isn't going to last that long. It needs a bandaid! I'd try to get my line transferred to the old phone but my battery didn't want to charge so I got the new phone...ARGH! I'm doomed.
~ Where's my refund check! I need it now! I needed it yesterday. It's my money! I want it now!
~ I need Nyquil. NOW! My dad had a cold the end of last week. Guess who has it now?
~ Oh and for those of you that want to know YES, I do want cheese with my whine.
Musical Sunday
22 hours ago
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