It's about damn time Friday got here. I think there's a bottle of wine in the fridge with my name on it. Actually, I really want the Italian margarita from Garfield's in Washington. (Or any other drink really)
I figure I'm due to deal with my boss today too, as I haven't seen him all week, and well, he owes me money. Money that could pay for that drink I really want right now.
I don't know if I'm doing any babysitting, or if I'm going to see my cousins this weekend. In all the sadness, I would like to see them. I don't feel right going to the funeral. I haven't seen my godmother in at least 10 years, so I don't know what I'd do or say upon seeing her, so maybe it's best to not go. Funerals always weird me out.
Oh and PH is determined to make me cry. Sunday would have been George Harrison's 64th b-day, so we're going to be getting a bit of George this morning. Damn it, George was/is my favorite Beatle. Listening to his music this weekend will just make me sad. (ok, sadder) However, PH at least picks good GH songs, so I'll only think about clobbering him upside his cute widdle head. George is a hell of a lot better than Yummy Yummy Yummy too.
I hope my 8 hours go fast today. I think I'm in desperate need of "me" time right now.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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