Damn I wish I would have thought of that.
I'm in the Happy Wednesday category, but since I'm Queen of the Dorkalopes I have to do one dorkalope thing.
So for my friend who will probably be canonized for putting up with my emails for the last few months...I have a special Valentine's Day present.
George Harrison - I Don't Want To Do It
George Harrison - Abandoned Love
(These two are from 12 Arnold Grove)
Elvis Costello - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
(One of the best Beatles covers ever)
Elvis Costello - Puppet Girl
(This is one of the Wendy James Demos. I think it made a b-side of one of the Brutal Youth singles)
~right now said friend is going...please don't post Radio Sweetheart~
All right, I won't. But I'll pout about it. Cos it has that cuteness factor that makes you go Awwwwww, right before you reach for the barf bag.
Elvis Costello - Basement Kiss
(Another Wendy James demo)
There are more from that demos disc...but these are my favorites.
And now for something completely different...
Duran Duran - Magic Bus
(This one might fall under the stinkbomb category, but considering what made the final cut of Thank You, this is a blessing)
Duran Duran - Bedroom Toys (Agterhuis smoking weed mix)
(Don't know if you have Astronaut, but this song is the best comic relief and I rather like this mix. Plus the subject matter is just..well....how to put it...amusing)
Bernie Barlow - Down By The Sea
Keri Noble - Talk To Me
Humor me on these two, m'kay. The first one is a cover of a Men At Work tune and damn if I can not find a copy of the original song, so I guess someone will have to tell me later if Bernie murdered it.
Oh and since it is Valentine's Day I come with candy.

(just because I'm a dorkalope and I couldn't resist making one of these while I was waiting for the laundry to finish)
And yes, I got a bit overzealous as usual.
~Looks sheepishly to the floor~
Enjoy your present. And it wouldn't hurt to let me know which ones you liked...hated or wanted to beat me over the head with a stick for making you listen to.
Happy Valentine's Day!
The Mistress Of The Dark
PS...there should be an ecard coming your way...but I'm falling asleep at the keyboard right now...
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