This may come as a shock to some of you, but I'm not the most patient person in the world, and right now I'm being forced into being one.
I have to say that though I'm accepting it, I'm not liking it one bit. I like to know where I stand and when I want things, I tend to want them now! However, this is one time when I have absolutely no say in the matter. Though I wish I had a clue or something.
Second guessing is not my idea of fun, because there are so many opportunities to be wrong. I could very well be being humored or I could be the object of someone's humor.
Not to mention I'm not too keen on being a pest. I outgrew that several thousand hurts ago. Though part of me still has a bit of that college girl that I used to be that had a little bit more confidence than I do now. That girl usually shows up around 8:30 on Friday mornings so that I can make an ass of myself. Damn her to hell and back, I say.
The rest of me says play the waiting game, because I'm only waiting for a "no" and the longer it takes in coming the better off I'll be, and if I would get a "yes" I'd be more than a bit pleasantly surprised.
I suppose I should just shut up and wait and see what happens, even if the waiting is killing me.
Musical Sunday
22 hours ago
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