~ The boss owes me lunch money, because apparently I'm petty cash these days. I think I've spent the last 6 hours bitching about this to anyone that will listen. Why is it so hard to keep $40 on hand for cash purchases? Never mind. I know the answer and it's not worth the aggravation.
~ I can't understand people who can do the online dating thing. Right now there's someone I'm hugely crushing on and our soul means of communication is email, except on Friday morning at about 8:30. It's making me crazy because there's only so much you can say via email. And damn it I want to hear a voice and not just from 6 - 10. Someone please convince him that I'm not a crazy and I'm safe to talk to.
~ I've lost interest in my writing project. It was something too close to real life and now it seems more so. I just can't do it right now. I get no joy from it.
~ Phipps Conservatory finally accepts online payments for members. Yup I'm going to join this year, because one day I may want to drive to the city by myself to wander through the flowers. I just wish they didn't go through Paypal. Paypal annoys the hell out of me.
~ Making decisions. Easyshare Camera 12x zoom or the 30 GB Zen Vision. Right now the camera is winning even though I have nothing to photograph.
~ I want to stay overnight at the Sheraton @ Station Square because I want to be away from my house and because they have a pool and a gorgeous view of the city. Why can't I do this? Oh yeah, a little thing called money. Anyone want to go halfsies with me?
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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