After PH finished I checked my email. There was an awful lot of spam today, but one stuck out. I saw Froggy 94.9 and went WTF. And it was a cute little email from PH, that somehow got waylaid into my spam-a-rooni folder. And in this email was a sweet's not a good enough word...adorable...precious even picture of a young fishy.
I found myself grinning at it several times throughout the day, just because.
It was just too freaking cute. Of course, PH is still too freaking cute, so I shouldn't have expected anything less. Mind you, now I'm wondering...should I dig up a silly picture of me to send to him. But then I don't know if seeing a youngish picture of me would make him as amused as I was when I opened that email.
I suppose I could just offer this

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