1. He's such a scrawny thing, he probably needs someone to keep him warm, so we'd be killing two birds with one stone.
2. He likes animals so he can bring them along when trying to get warm.
3. Anyone that wrote a song called "Did It There" has to know some amusing ways to keep warm, right?
4. Friction and harmony usually generate body heat, right? (Now who's going ride with the Elevator Man)

1. He's my honey bunny Pookie bear even though he's out of sight and mind these days.
2. Look at him! He wants a cuddle!
3. How can you resist that face?

1. He's always been in my top 5 list of hump day hunks and I wouldn't want him to feel left out.
2. He's the second best hugger in the whole world.
3. He's ususally bundled up so if he can't keep me warm I can steal his scarf or ugly jacket.
4. Eventually cuddling Diana Krall will bore him. (I wish!)
5. Geeks are the best cuddlers.
6. The lyrics to the song Inch By Inch should be enough...if not toss in I Want You and he can cuddle me anytime he needs a cuddle or anything else for that matter.

1. Why the hell not!
2. Just look at that face, he's begging for a cuddle.
3. He's probably as cold as I am right now.
4. He's probably the only "Fish" that could keep me warm. Well maybe that Fish that used to sing for Marillion, but this Fish is much much easier on the eyes.
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