There were a few things that made me grin like a fool today. It's always good to have something make you grin that way, right?
* A hit to my blog from a zoominternet account in California, PA. (I wonder who that person could be? I wonder if he can't respond to emails because of his stitched up pinky finger)
* My song of the moment being played around 8:45 a.m. Everyone should hear Tommy James - Hold The Fire. It's such a great catchy tune. It made me dance around the office.
* The way a certain person kept saying "lovers" today when mentioning the name of the current contest running. Oye I think I fell out of my chair once from laughing.
* Getting my package from Yves-Rocher! Yay! Fun skin stuff to make me beautiful. Don't laugh! Plus free gifts!
* Realizing that by April I'll have some extra money to start putting aside for VACATION! (read: ATLANTIC CITY!)
* Hearing Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald this afternoon on the radio. Yay! Pickle made me smile again.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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