Ok, I'm going to see Music and Lyrics, with or without the nephew. I need to see this movie. Assuming this snow squall goes away. Because if it doesn't, I'll have to listen to my mother guilt trip me into staying home. It's much easier to just stay at home then lose an ear to her worrying that I can't drive in snow.
Right now, I need some eye candy and whatnot. Hugh Grant is always good for the eyes. However he's not my first choice of things to stare at right now. But that's neither here nor there. Any movie would make me happy, even a bad one. I need out of the house again. If I don't get out of the house, I'm opening a bottle of Arbor Mist and watching Yellow Submarine.
Mind you I shouldn't be going anywhere as I feel like I've been hit by a small bus. I can barely string together two coherent sentences. So that makes the prospect of watching Beatle movies much more appealing.
I'm also making another mix...This one is a "Me" mix. Significant songs in my life, etc. Or at least significant stuff right now. Stuff that's best played while speeding down I-70 to Wash, PA singing at the top of my lungs. (off key is the only way to go)
I don't think I've made this many mix CDs in ages. And for those of you interested this is the tracklisting for my Chicago Mom's mix. I hope she likes it.
Maybe I should go back to bed for a bit and see if I can get my brain cells to flow a bit better than they are now.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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