I think I have foot in mouth disease bad. Actually I just want to crawl under a rock and hide.
By now you've seen the comment left by my Fishy. Ok, he's not my Fishy....that's just a small pipe dream I have, because I think I've probably scared the crap out of the man.
Damn and blast. Why can't I keep my big mouth shut. Why? Why? Why?
And why am I typing this? Because I'm a glutton for punishment.
I also feel like a great booby. (As Gaston Leroux wrote in The Phantom Of The Opera) See, after all the ranting the other day, I thought, maybe I've been a huge pest of the most obnoxious variety. So I thought to myself, maybe I should just lay low for a day or two. See I felt like I was being a gigantic fucktard, so I thought it best not to email him yesterday.
Mayhem thus ensues, because I took a few small words wrong and because sometimes I don't quite see the bright side of life.
Now I don't quite know what to do, shy of saying I don't bite. Honest! Unless of course I'm asked and then it's gently. (Probably shouldn't have typed that, but hey...if I'm going to dig a hole, it might as well be a deep hole so I could dive right in when necessary.)
But for all it's worth...
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I'd send hugs, but erm....I don't want to invade his space...or rather his cyberspace.
Suffice to say, I feel like the Lord Goddess Queen of the Dorkalopes now..I'm ready to lead my mighty herd of dorkalopes across the dorkalope plain.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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