I'm usually vaguely amused when Fishy tells some story throughout his shift. Today I found myself wincing in pain and tearing up.
It seems my poor "radio sweetheart" was the victim of a renegade cat food can.
Anyone that's ever sliced a finger on a can of pet food (cat or dog) knows that really hurts, and if you do a good job of it, much blood is shed. From the information my little Fishy imparted that was the case.
He's threatened his cat with dry food from now on. Poor kitty.
Mind you, this was fodder that I couldn't resist, so I sent him an email. I doubt anyone with a sliced pinky will respond though. I did however refrain from offering to kiss his boo boo and make it better, though as you may have guessed, it was quite difficult not too.
I just hope if his kitty starts getting dry food it won't stage a kitty rebellion. Kitties that are ticked off about their food can be nastier than a finger sliced by a cat food can.
Musical Sunday
22 hours ago
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