Firstly before I start rambling...I lied...I'm not done with my ramblings about that one person.
~ I listened to Pickle today for the first time in over a week. Not a good thing. As soon as the commericals came on I felt an uncontrollable desire to growl, snarl and flip off the radio and the person speaking in the commericals. Yeah, I guess I'm still a little hurt and bitter.
~ I have pictures from Ohiopyle and the Mill Run windfarm today. It was so nice to be out and about on the weekend and not be at a mall.
~ I have loads of plans for the Easter week...some religious...some not. A few weeks ago I had two friends I would be able to share them with. Why is it that the absence of these two people from my life leaves me feeling so empty? They both treated me shittily. (is that a word?)
~ It's impossible to keep up your heart rate when listening to Gordon Lightfoot. His music is entirely too laid back when you're on the eliptical. I never seem to get songs like High & Dry to come on when I'm working out. Nope. It has to be stuff like Pussy Willows & Cattails.
~ I have a new favorite Diana Krall song, Love Me Like A Man from The Girl In The Other Room. Have I mentioned that's my favorite Diana Krall disc? Love it, to infinity and beyond.
I never seen such losers darling
Even though I tried
To find a man who can take me home instead of
Taking me for a ride
And I need someone to love me's almost my favorite...Narrow Daylight still holds that position.
Is the kindness we count upon
Hidden in everyone?
I stepped out in a sunlit grove
Although deep down I wished it would rain
Washing away all the sadness and tears
That will never fall so heavily again
~ It's dawned on me that this coming week is going to be so full that I may have to remind myself to breathe.
1. Two kitties are going to the vet Monday night.
2. Tuesday is Deb's final doctor's appointment in Pittsburgh, and I have to take her.
3. I have to be at Holy Thursday mass.
4. We're going to the spring flower show Friday night.
5. I have to do the Easter shopping sometime this week.
6. I want to make sure I get to exercise at least 4 times this week too for at least one hour if not longer.
Nope...I don't think I have time for breathing.
Inconvenience Fees
7 hours ago
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