This is actually going to be more like a Thursday 26.
Firstly: 13 things that most people that visit this blog on a regular basis know about me.
1. I have 3 cats and 1.5 dogs. The half being my sister's dog that stays with us most of the time.
2. My favorite bands/artists are The Moody Blues, Elvis Costello, Erasure, Duran Duran, Gordon Lightfoot, Oingo Boingo and Grey Eye Glances.
3. Photography is my favorite hobby.
4. Atlantic City is my favorite vacation spot.
5. Pretty lights and water amuse me. Combine the two and I'm comatose.
6. My car is a 1991 Chevy Beretta.
7. I have 2 novels finished but I'm scared to do anything with them.
8. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from California University of PA.
9. I've met several celebrities over the last few years and even shared drinks with one of them.
10. My favorite form of exercise is walking but the weather doesn't seem to permit me to do too much of it.
11. My mind usually resides in the gutter
12. Making mix CDs is relaxing for me and I love to make mixes for my friends. My Christmas Mix goes to almost every family member and friend. (I start making them in Oct)
13. I have a huge crush on a certain DJ...and he likes to pretend he doesn't know it.
Now for the next 13.
13 Things most of you probably don't know about me.
1. I'm painfully shy with new people in person or with people that I like. I will spend hours deliberating over something I want to say or do until it drives me crazy.
2. I've only been drunk 3 times in my life and all three times bad things happened as a result.
3. I find it easier to convey my feelings in writing than through speech.
4. I have an obsession with clothes. Macy's and Dots are my downfalls. If I see something I like, I tend to buy it and damn the consequences.
5. I also have an obsession with makeup and skin care stuff. My favorite online place to shop is Yves Rocher.
6. I need music to fall asleep to most nights. Lately I've been drifting off to Tommy James' Hold The Fire CD.
7. I always have a book with me in the bathtub.
8. I am easily moved to feelings hurt easily.
9. I never forget something I consider a betrayal.
10. I'm always afraid of doing something that will offend the people I like/love/care about.
11. I don't know as much about html and webdesign as most people think I do. I pretty much know the basics and that's it.
12. The furthest I've been from home is Atlantic City to the East and Toronto to the North...Cincinnati to the West...and I've only ever gone as far as Fairmont WV to the south. I've led a sheltered life.
13. I've never had the least inclination to be married. I've had some lustful tendencies but the thought of marriage makes me shudder.
Inconvenience Fees
10 hours ago
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