The first time I experienced the heaven that this raspberry flavored beer is, was at Brulee @ the Tropicana in Atlantic City. After that I've been on a search to find this in every beer distributor in the area.
Unfortunately lambic beer is a very posh beer. It thinks it's champagne and even comes with two lids; the tradition beer bottle cap and a cork. However all the aggravation of opening the bottle is worth it on the first taste.
Why, you ask?
Because when you drink lambic beer, you can't even tell that there's any alcohol in the darn thing.
This lovely drink runs about $8.95 a bottle too. It was $10 in Atlantic City, but there it came in champange flutes dipped in chocolate. Pricey as it was, it was just what the doctor ordered, it was so good I forgot about most other things that have been occupying my thoughts lately.
Now everyone bow to the Queen of Beers!
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