Thirteen things that amuse me....(currently)
1. Pictures of me that are halfway decent. There have been quite a few of these lately. These are from Michael's confirmation

And in profile

2. People that visit the blog because they want to read my site but continually neglect to leave comments. This not only amuses me but it makes me wonder. I've been getting several hits in the PA area one pretty close to me that comes M-F and another that's getting close to Erie...Hmmm. Who are you people and why are you people reading anyway?
3. Middleage men at the gym. I swear they set the weights unbelievably high and then do two reps and then act like they've had a workout. To the best of my knowledge 2 reps is not exercise....it's you trying to be macho. Lordy.
4. When no one is around the new kitty, Bootsie, goes all lovey dovey. She does the butt up in the air, scratch my butt dance. It makes me giggle.
5. Hearing The Moody Blues on the radio. I would love to hear something from Octave or Long Distance Voyager though. Still when I hear Question on the radio I always grin. If it were Nights In White Satin, I'd probably just switch the radio off.
6. Being able to sing along to my Zen at work at random points in the day. Or for that matter being able to dance along to the good songs on the radio. And no...I don't dance to the Moody Blues except when I hear Your Wildest Dreams.
7. Receiving CDs from La La. Especially when the the disc is one that I've been needing to get for a long time.
This one came yesterday...

Believe it or not, until yesterday I only had this one on vinyl.
8. The weather that's staying warm through the weekend, only to turn disgusting cold mid-week next week. WTF is up with that? Hmmm. But right now the warmness is amusing me greatly! Yay for wearing capris to work!
9. Songs that say exactly what you want to say....One of my favorites has always been The Smiths - Unhappy Birthday....but Elvis Costello's Just About Glad does the job too.
10. Getting another day off to take big sis to the doctor's. (While being paid to do it by big sis) It's a win-win situation. It also means I get to eat someplace yummy in Pittsburgh. Yay! That is truly amusing.
11. The flowers in my yard are starting to bloom. (Oh and there are some mystery plants starting to appear...I wonder what they are...because we put down so many seeds last year from plants we had)
12. The fact that I can be unamused by someone in some ways and amused by them in others...just because of total strangeness. But then again, strangeness has always amused me. I'm easily amused, as you can tell.
13. People that send emails when they are angry and don't run them through spell check. I think we've all been guilty of doing this. I know I have, but it's fun to get one and just go...~sigh~ Someone didn't take some cool down time before they started typing.
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