Friday, March 23, 2007

Where's My Shoulder?

Doesn't anyone have one I can cry on? I've gone from being sad to angry to just plain downright confused all day. It doesn't help matters that all this came about before work, rather than after. Before work means I have 8 hours where I can sit and think about my stupidity. I can sit and let my self esteem get lower and lower.

Because I can't seem to think that if I were a little more of something it would have made a difference.

Fat chance.

I just feel so damn low and ugly and miserable.

Well Andrea....I have someone, you're not it...and I'm off to Florida for a week, so you can try to get over it without even hearing my voice in the mornings or getting an email from me for a full week.

And no those aren't his words..but just how it came across to me.

I feel like I was dealt a 1, 2 punch and left to bleed on the street.

And the tone of his emails didn't change today...It was as if he didn't realize that the recipient of the email was being torn in two. Perhaps he doesn't remember what it feels like to have a crush on someone. Maybe he was lucky enough to be able to get the girl easily. That's never been the case with me.

I really just want to cry and cry....for my own idiocy of thinking I stood a chance with someone....I know better now. There is no man that will ever like me. I should start adopting more cats, because they will likely be my only companions...

And since I always seek solace in music...

Firstly Jann Arden's Insensitive

Jann Arden - Insen...

And lastly Rachael Sage's Even Love Dies

Rachael Sage - Eve...

Give them a listen and let me know what you think. I'll be making a heartbreak mix now. And if any of you have a shoulder I could cry on...let me know.