By now you all know that. I worry about everything and yes...when I see my shadow I jump in fear.
When I don't get an email from PH I worry that I've said something wrong....or that I've been a pest...or something of that nature. Or in today's case that someone has said something that has made him think I'm a raving lunatic. Yes, I'm a bit goofy, but that's a given. I never wanted him to think I'm off my head.
And since I have a good friend that decided to share something with him that I wish she wouldn't have...I have been worrying more.
See I've spent the last 7 months crushing on this man. 7 MONTHS! For 7 months I've been like a teenager...turning on the radio at 6 am just to listen to him. And finally since February...I thought he was beginning to notice that I was alive! Heck, I think he might have even liked me just a little bit.
Now I'm worried all that I accomplished is for nothing. And that a few well meaning words have made him wish he never said a word to me.
It's bad enough I do stuff on my own that makes me feel like this. I don't need help! Honest.
So much for sleep. So much for my sanity.
If anything I appreciated his friendship...and if I've lost that...well we won't even discuss how bad I will feel.
Inconvenience Fees
9 hours ago
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