I can't remember where I left off on the tally of points between PH and myself in the alls fair in love and war game we've got going on...or in this case, all's fair in some really bad flirting and other things that end up making my face turn red.
As I mentioned PH has been a bit under the weather with the flu. Huggles to PH..cos I hate to see my friends sick. But back to the story at hand. I got it into my head to send him a get well e-card, cos I do goofy things like that.
So I found a cute card starring my favorite characters; Hoops and Yoyo and I sent it on its merry way to PH.
When I woke up I saw that he had viewed the card....cos Hallmark sends emails out to let you know when cards are delivered and viewed. I got an email before work saying thanks etc. I was happy. Brightened PH's day, I hope. Emailed him back as I always do and went about my business. Off to work.
I'm piddling around the office, listening to the morning show, as I do every day, when he starts talking about an email he got from someone saying he's sounded down. Then he mentions this nice e-card he got from Andrea....and I almost fall out of my chair. Not to mention the fact that my boss looked at me kinda funny.
Boy was my face red. So yeah, PH made me blush, cos I sure wasn't expecting that. Not for a minute was I expecting that. Nope, no way...came at me out of nowhere.
So it looks like PH has scored again, while I've got only a handful of points. I think he get's bonus points for making me blush when I wasn't even trying to flirt.
But in retaliation..he finished by saying you guys like me, you really like me.
To which I reply..."Haven't I been hinting at that for the last few months?" Wait..I've been crushing on PH since Oct....crikey...Yeah...PH...we like you....we like you a lot. (And that's just because he's a sweetie pie and such a cute widdle Fish...and not because he's the DJ that keeps me sane)
So, what is the score anyway? How bad am I losing now?
Inconvenience Fees
10 hours ago
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