Thirteen things that would make me the happiest girl on the planet.
1. My sister to go back to her house and stay for a few days...allowing the rest of us a breather so we don't kill each other during her convalesence.
2. PH to decide that he's not scared of me and request that little 10 digit number that makes Alexander Graham Bell's invention ring.
3. The temperatures to hit 60 degrees at least.
4. This weekend to actually be nice for Grandma and mum. I hope this party doesn't cause too much stress on either of them.
5. To get someone to take on photo of me with my mum and my grandma, so that I can have one that wasn't studio done. There was a family photo taken in the 90's for our church directory, but it's horrid.
6. For me to lose my uncomfortable feeling at the gym. I really love the new place I'm going to. The trainer I worked with was sweet and not at all obnoxious even though she couldn't weigh more than 90 lbs. ARGH! I want to weigh 90 lbs!
7. If 2 couldn't happen...if PH would assure me that I'm not "crazy email girl."
8. A hug
9. My hair to look normal, just once without me having to fight with it.
10. Those mirrors at the gym to be less...erm...what's the word I'm looking for...EVIL! Looking at yourself while working out can be a scary thing. A very scary thing.
11. 10 lbs to leave my body....20 and I'd be happy and you could call me Twiggy.
12. Someone to pay the bill after I go to JC Penny's and buy some of the really gorgeous clothes they had in the most recent mailer.
13. A trip to Wheeling Island to gamble 20 bucks, eat, and walk about.
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