~ The new camera is here. The battery is charged. I think I might even know how to use it. It's a bit different from my other lovely Easyshare, but it wouldn't be an Easyshare if it weren't easy to use.
~ I need to get yet another cord so I can sync music to my new cell phone. I now have the memory card, but no cord. GAH! And I will not ...nope will not pay to download music when I have over 6000 mp3s on my own computer.
~ I bought this for mom.

Lordy..it has Puff The Magic Dragon on it. I cannot begin to say how scared that makes me. My mother loves that song too. (And I promised to make sure she got to hear the disc) I think I'm going to be skipping over that song a lot.
~ I love this song. Everyone should hear it. I love Grey Eye Glances. They've been playing a lot of shows in the Philly area. Grrrr. Not that I'd ever have anyone to go with. Grrrr. For those of you that don't know, Grey Eye Glances or GEG are a folky, progressive band out of the South Jersey/Philly area. Jennifer Noble has one of the best voices I've heard anywhere.
Grey Eye Glances -... |
Listen to this song. Cos I said so! Clicky the little blue button under the birdy.
~ As soon as the household chores are done today I'm going to the gym. I haven't been there in 2 days because of family stuff and bad weather. I need to exercise off my frustrations. Lord knows I have a lot of those right now.
~ I have an idea to keep my writing project going. It's a good idea. I have dialogue lurking about in my head, but I can't bring myself to open the document to work on it. ARGH!
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