So much for my workout. I could have taken my sister's car, but I won't use it unless it's an emergency and I'm going to work or she's in the car with me. I guess I'll be doing the ski machine in a bit. Plus I'm still without a cell phone. Glad I didn't just hop into Bernie this morning, or I would have been screwed.
Things aren't all bad though. I'm going to return the worthless cell charger, so that money will go against the new phone I had to buy. 115 bucks....That still makes me quake in my boots. At least I'll get $50 back from my rebate, so it could be worse.
Sis and I have decided that since we're going to Washington to return the charger, we might as well drive 25 miles further and go to Wheeling. I don't even remember when we were there last. November maybe? I'm not sure. I'm going to gamble $5 and eat Islander buffet even though it's not good for my diet. Fuck it! I deserve something other than bills from this weekend.
Big Brother is going to install my DVD burner drive. Woot! I'll get to burn a few things I've been wanting to burn for awhile for friends and family. Plus I'll have a CD Burner and DVD burner on this computer.
And lastly another photo from the party
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