Crse tagged me and now I'm "it" again.
Five things you've never revealed on your blog, and then tag five people!
I've been blogging for a very long time so this isn't going to be the easiest thing to do, especially as I like to share.
1. One of my first nicknames in school was Cleo. Why? I had horribly long hair until about the 6th grade when I got it cut into a blunt bob and I looked like Cleopatra. I wasn't really fond of the nickname. In fact the only nickname that I've had that didn't piss me off is Queen. I'm the Queen of Weird. Bow to my greatness! Now, damn it!
2. I took ballet for several years growing up. I think there's still a video of my two performances in the house. Why that tape wasn't destroyed, I don't know. I was a terrible dancer then, I'm a terrible dancer now.
3. I'm going to be mostly debt free in about one year. I know I've talked about getting things paid off, but I don't think I've ever mentioned that I may be able to live better very soon. If only I didn't love to spend, spend, spend.
4. I don't like The Rolling Stones. I think they are highly overrated. That's not to say that there aren't a few songs that I adore, because there are, but I've never really been a fan, and I probably never will be.
5. I didn't learn how to drive until I was 18. We won't even discuss that I didn't pass my driver's test until the 3rd try. I was always petrified of the state cop sitting next to me.
Now I tag
Bananas,Callie, Karen, Kelly & Julie
Inconvenience Fees
10 hours ago
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