Ok...no I don't want to hold the fire...I want to open fire, damn it. Let me explain my last post, because it needs to be explained.
I was feeling down, really down.
So as a pick me up I created a profile on Matchmaker.com. Then I did a search. And what did I find? I found my Fishy! I also saw that he'd been active on the site in the last 3 months.
My jaw hit the floor so hard that it hurt.
And worse still he's on a few other dating sites.
Do you mind if I smack my head off the wall now?
But what bugged me is that he has a picture of his goddaughter when she was a baby on the site. Sweetie that's so low. Using a baby to try to get dates? Fuck, sweetie you were using your dog to get dates?
That's beyond Must Love Dogs! That's just..just..just...fucked up!
I don't pretend to know the Fish, because we've only had an email correspondence for the last few months...but from what I picked up he was a decent enough guy. He's funny...he's adorable in that geeky sort of way. (Though I don't think he looks at all like David Duchovny)...I even credited him for being kinda nice.
I might have to strike that part because something doesn't ring quite true right now. The worst part of all this is that I can't say anything to him, because he's gone for the week, plus I don't want to come across as crazy. However I'm damn curious now. Beyond curious...and very angry. Not hurt...just angry.
~shakes head~
Inconvenience Fees
9 hours ago
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