I'm just not feeling right lately. I can't stress enough that we need to be back to our normal routine in this house soon. I don't know if the relationships in my family can handle these last few weeks, I really don't.
I can't remember when I last had a reason to smile, a real reason to smile. That's how burned out I feel right now. Or is it being burned out, maybe I'm just down. Either way I can't ever remember feeling this bad before. And this isn't me.
I need to do something so get my groove back on, so to speak. Hmmm. How Andrea got her groove on. LOL! That would be a book no one would read!
I'm going to step back from a lot of things today and reassess. So if you usually hear from me, well I will likely be in hiding today, trying to sort myself out.
I feel like I'm being a pest to all my friends and well I think the word bitch can be tossed around in this house to describe me right now. Everything is making me snap.
The worst of this, I have so much I want to share that's good, but I have no one that really wants to hear it. So I've vowed not to say anything to some people until I have something more "up" to talk about. Anyway at least one of these people won't miss hearing from me as much as I will miss hearing from them.
My seats for The Grass Roots show are 3rd row center, I mentioned that yesterday. That's the first time I've ever been that close in a show that I bought tickets for. I'm really excited, even though I'm questioning my motives for going.
~big sigh~
I can't wait to get back to the gym of mirrors, so I can vent my frustrations. Maybe a few days of exercise will do me good.
Inconvenience Fees
10 hours ago
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