Pick a specific time in your life that you found enjoyable...tell us about it.
I'm picking the years 2003 - 2006. Careerwise these years sucked but my life in general improved. In those years...I met John Lodge, Justin Hayward, Greame Edge, Bernie Barlow, Norda Mullen, Paul Bliss, Elvis Costello (twice), Gary Puckett, Peter Noone and Eddie Izzard...It was a good time...a very good time.
What music do you remember from that time?
It was all about The Moody Blues and Elvis Costello though I developed a love for other artists like Annie Haslam, Nick Lowe and countless others at this time. The two albums that figured into my life the most prevelantly were:
Elvis Costello's When I Was Cruel

The Moody Blues' December

Everyone should own these 2 albums. December is the best Christmas/Holiday/Seasonal album ever. 'Nuff said
Why was that music important to you then?
In those 3 years I saw Elvis Costello twice and the Moody Blues 6 times. A bit obsessive? Yes, but that's my nature. If I like something I throw myself into it.(Head first usually and damn the consequences)
And how could the music not be important....when these were the people making it..

Did the music help make that time enjoyable?
2 words...Fuck Yes! If it weren't for the music it wouldn't have been fun at all. 2005 was a huge concert year...3 Moodies shows...I saw Elvis Costello that year...and Stevie Nicks and Don Henley...2006 was Peter Noone, Gary Puckett and Davy Jones...It's all good. It's all wonderful. Without the music those years would have been empty.
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