I was reading in the Post-Gazette yesterday about a new website that caters to women readers. The site has downloadable books, which is great if your that on the go type of person that reads on a mobile device. (And people wonder why their eyesight deteriorates!)
What annoyed me about the article was that the woman who, if I remember correctly, runs the business, said that they sell romance novels on it as well. She said she likes to read them but doesn't like to have to rip the covers off so that the world wouldn't know what she was reading.
For fuck's sake lady, get over yourself.
Reading doesn't always have to be about deep meaningful literature. In fact, I find when things get too deep, they don't become enjoyable and they start feeling like school. I put my time in. I'm done with that.
There is no shame in reading a romance novel. It's escapism at its best. No one has the luck these fictional women have. And don't most women (I know I do) dream of being swept off their feet by their dream man?
So what's so shameful about reading these books, that isn't shameful in watching one of those nauseating chick flicks? Or even a cute romantic comedy. There's really no difference, except the movie costs more than the book, and I don't see women sneaking out of the theaters so that people won't see that they were watching Music and Lyrics or Love Actually.
Pretentious readers annoy me. I have a friend that struggles through "book club" reading. She passes the books on to me when she's done and I have to say, I'd take a cheesy smutty ridiculous romance novel to these books.
So if you don't mind, I'll read my Harlequins and I won't rip the covers off. There's no shame in reading these books.
Musical Sunday
16 hours ago
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