And boy was he ugly. I really thought I was ready to depart the world in the middle of the night. At the risk of going all TMI on you, I have a stomach bug combined with a urinary tract infection.
All of this woke me up at about 3 in the morning. I was on the phone to a doctor around 10 o'clock this morning as I pondered getting someone to drive me to the emergency room. Thank god that wasn't necessary, because I have no health insurance and I don't know how I could have paid for an ER visit.
Long about 1 o'clock this afternoon I finally fell asleep, after having a horridly painful morning, combined with not being able to hold down any food. The sleep was bliss as I didn't get any last night.
I think the prescription I was given has finally started to work, because right now I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore.
Yay! I wasn't ready to die.
I can actually sit at the computer for a small amount of time. Double Yay!
I know I'm sick when I have the 'puter shut down completely. Hopefully after another dose of my meds tonight I'll be mostly recovered and will be able to do something with the rest of my weekend.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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