Top Five Albums You Bought On Impulse.
Borders listening posts can be a bad thing, but in this case they were a good thing. I bought the first two as a result of sampling a bit of the albums at the store.
Caroline Lavelle - Spirit

(Click the picture to purchase at amazon)
Julia Fordham - East West

(Click the picture to purchase at amazon)
Annie Haslam - Annie Haslam

(click the picture to purchase at amazon)
I bought Annie's CD for the one song she did with Justin Hayward. It's a good thing the whole CD was wonderful.
Jennifer Marks - It Turned Me On

(Click the picture to purchase at amazon)
I bought Jennifer's CD because it was a recommendation at I went to amazon and listened to clips and then went back to and bought a copy.
Eleni Mandell - Afternoon

(Click the picture to purchase at amazon)
I put this one on my La La list as a result of a recommendation from someone at Livejournal. It's an interesting disc. I will probably be checking out more of her stuff in the future.
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